Markus Selg
Markus Selg studierte an der von ihm mitbegründeten Akademie Isotrop in Hamburg. Als experimenteller Künstler erforscht er Dynamiken zwischen archaischen Mythen und digitalen Technologien. Er entwirft szenografische Installationen, die er mittels Film, Skulpturen, Performance und Musik zu multimedialen Erfahrungsräumen verdichtet.
Markus Selg studied at the Akademie Isotrop in Hamburg, which he co-founded. As an experimental artist, he explores the dynamics between ancient myths and digital technologies. He designs scenographic installations which he condenses into multimedia experiential spaces by means of film, sculptures, performance and music.
Markus Selg studied at the Akademie Isotrop in Hamburg, which he co-founded. As an experimental artist, he explores the dynamics between ancient myths and digital technologies. He designs scenographic installations which he condenses into multimedia experiential spaces by means of film, sculptures, performance and music.