Ho Tzu Nyen
Ho Tzu Nyen produziert Videos, Installationen und Performances. Seinen Arbeiten liegen stets historische Bezüge zu unausgesprochenen Aspekten der südostasiatischen Geschichte zugrunde, die er dann räumlich und musikalisch aufwendig inszeniert. Seine jüngsten Ausstellungen fanden im Hammer Museum L.A. (2022), im Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (2021) und im Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] (2021) statt. Zusammen mit dem taiwanesischen Künstler Hsu Chia-Wei kuratierte Ho Tzu Nyen die 7. Asiatische Kunstbiennale im National Museum of Fine Arts Taiwan.
Ho Tzu Nyen produces videos, installations, and performances. His complex works are consistently based on historical references to unspoken layers of Southeast Asian history, which he stages in lavish spatial and musical form. His most recent exhibitions have taken place at the Hammer Museum L.A. (2022), Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (2021) and Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] (2021). Together with Taiwanese artist Hsu Chia-Wei, Ho Tzu Nyen curated the 7th Asian Art Biennale at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
Ho Tzu Nyen produces videos, installations, and performances. His complex works are consistently based on historical references to unspoken layers of Southeast Asian history, which he stages in lavish spatial and musical form. His most recent exhibitions have taken place at the Hammer Museum L.A. (2022), Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (2021) and Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] (2021). Together with Taiwanese artist Hsu Chia-Wei, Ho Tzu Nyen curated the 7th Asian Art Biennale at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.